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how to become the true media 2025

Calling all potential content creators! Do You want to tech Natural Law and objective morality to assist in the Great Work of ending human slavery? Mark Passio from WhatOnEarthIsHappening.com is inviting you to join How To Become The True Media 2025, an intensive 23-week online technology skill-sharing seminar. This year, How To Become The TRUE Media is moving to the first half of the year, January through June. Classes will be held every Monday night from 8 to 11 pm Eastern US Time. Join the seminar and gain the skills to morally educate the masses of humanity. Enrollment for the 2025 seminar opens October 1st 2024 and closes on New Years Day 2025. To enroll, visit HowToBecomeTheTrueMedia.com Answer the call and start doing the Great Work today!